Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Buachailleen-Ireland & Scotland
Small Faeries who look like young men. They wear pointed red hats, which may really be inverted flower caps.They dwell among livestock during the summertime.


  1. Very nice, it would look cute with fairy girls as there bf in the tags i want to make :) ty ty

  2. Hey, I can tell you about fairies.

    Abatwa- They are one-inch people from South Africa. They ride ants and live in anthills with them. Don't make fun of Abatwa because they are small; these elves will kill you with poisoned spears.
    Gnomes- The guys wear red pointed caps; the girls wear green caps. Gnomes take care of wild animals and make things underground. They can be shy.

    Goblins- Goblins are Gnome cousins. They have brown wrinkly skin and wear black pointed caps. They wear black clothes. Goblins may pull pranks on Gnomes and other fairies.
